The Bucharest University of Economic Studies Team

  • Roxana Voicu-Dorobanțu, Ph.D – Project Manager – Associate  Professor,  holds  a  Ph.D.  in  International  Business  (BUES),  an  MA  in Financial Management (BUES), a postdoctoral degree (Romanian Academy). Co‐Principal Investigator in a  project  funded  by  the  Swiss  National  Foundation  on  developing  entrepreneurship  through  venture capital, she was member in 18 research and development projects on entrepreneurship (both research and training potential entrepreneurs – as certified trainer), regional development, fostering innovation, increasing sustainability and resilience. She is author/co‐author of 3 books, 11 book chapters and reports, numerous peer‐reviewed articles in journals and conference proceedings. ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2687-7129
  • Cătălin Ploae, Ph.D. – Researcher –  lecturer  at  BUES,  holds  a  Ph.D.  in  International  Business  (BUES),  a  post‐doctoral  degree (Romanian Academy) and an MA in Marketing  (University  of  Lille).  Research  interests  on intercultural management,  innovation  and  sustainable  endeavors,  community  involvement  and  economic, environmental  and  social  sustainability.  Member  in  11  projects  (development  of  interdisciplinary research  in  educational  system,  economic  sustainability,  the  assessment  of  Romanian  agriculture sector),  7  co‐financed  by  the  EU.  Member  of  the  international  academic  organizations,  he  is  also author/co‐author of 5 books, 1 book chapter, 29 international peer‐reviewed articles and contributions to conference proceedings.
  • Adela Bâră, Ph.D. – Researcher 
  • Dorel Mihai Paraschiv, Ph.D. – Researcher –  full professor at BUES and a visiting professor at Romanian and French universities. He  holds a PhD. in International Business and Economics (BUES) and an MA in Intra‐European Transactions  (BUES) and is  specialized in international  trade, international  business, international  negotiations, and  international logistics. In addition, Mr. Paraschiv is Doctoral coordinator (2016) in international business,  manager and member of 10 international projects, Director of the MA in International Logistics (BUES),  and Vice‐Rector of the BUES (in charge with International relations, 2012‐2016 and with the relationship  with the business environment since March 2016). 
  • Anca Gabriela Ilie, Ph.D. – Researcher –  received her PhD in International Business and Economics in 2001 at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Faculty of International Business and Economics. Her research is situated in the field of world economy, diplomacy, globalization and international organizations with the special focus on economic diplomacy and foreign policy. Anca Ilie is the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of International Business and Economics and the Director of one of our Master Programme – Diplomacy in International Economy. She is author/co-author of 13 books, more than 28 databases academic journals , more than 55 international conference contributions, she made more peer-reviewed articles in conference proceedings. Anca is member of International Committee Board of IBIMA International Conference , member of European Regional Science Association (ERSA,2007-present) and also member of Society for Romanian Studies  (SRS, 2014-present).
  • Maria Floriana Popescu, Ph.D. – Researcher – lecturer at BUES, holds a PhD in International Business and Economics (with background in International Business and European Studies). She has published and presented articles in international journals from Romania and abroad, and is also co-author of 2 books. In 2015, she was awarded for outstanding results obtained in the scientific research carried out within the project “Performance and Excellence in Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research in Economics in Romania” carried out between June 2014 and May 2015. She is currently enrolled in a postdoctoral degree, having as research topic “The transition to a new European energy system based on innovation and clean energy technologies. Impact on the Romanian economy ”.
  • Irina Elena Petrescu, Ph.D. – Researcher – is PhD associate professor at The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Department of Agro-Food and Environmental Economics. She started her academic career since 2007 and followed all the academic steps, until 2017 since when she is PhD associate professor. Her main topics of interests are agro-food economics, rural and regional development, and logistics of agro-food enterprises. Since 2016, she is involved in the administrative activity of the university, as Director of the Rector`s Office. She is member of the following professional affiliations: counselor at the Association of Economic Faculties from Romania; member of European Association of Agricultural Economists; member of the Chartered in structural funds and Cohesion; member of Romanian Society of Statistics; member of Regional Center for Analysis and Policy.
  • Raluca Lădaru, Ph.D. – Researcher – Associate  Professor, holds  a Ph.D. in Economics (BUES), Faculty of Agrifood and Environmental Economics an MA in Economics at Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Faculty of International Economic Relations, and also an MA at the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Management, Economic Engineering and Rural Development. She participated as Postdoctoral researcher within the project “Performance and excellence in doctoral and postdoctoral research in the field of economic sciences in Romania”, POSDRU ID 142115, Bucharest University of Economic Studies. Graduation certificate – Project manager, Human resources management, university management, education management and also member of the implementation team of numeorus projects. She was member in numerous research and development projects on Management și leadership, trainer, human resources. She is author/co-author of 6 books, numerous peer-reviewed articles in journals and conference proceedings.
  • Sorin Chirila – IT specialist
  • Cristian Vladoiu – IT specialist
  • Iulia Luchian – Project Financial Management
  • Lidia Florea – Project Secretary

The Ovidius University of Constanta Team

  • Maria-Gabriela Badea, Ph.D.- Project Partner Coordinator – Lecturer at Mathematics and Informatics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Ovidius University of Constanta (OUC), holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics since 2010 (OUC), a Master Degree also in Mathematics (OUC).  Graduation certificate – Project manager, she participated as Postdoctoral researcher within the project “Spectral theory for linear operators and complex analysis”, PN-II-RU-TE-2012-3-0042 (OUC). She was a member of the  implementation team in several EU funded projects, aiming to train young entrepreneurs, recruited/identified among the student core and to provide an appropriate framework for developing innovative ideas. Also, she was a member in a EU-funded project whose objective was to improve the curricula for Bachelor and Master educational programs in Mathematics and Informatics by adding an input given by partners from the IT domain. She is author / co-author of numerous peer-reviewed articles in ISI journals and conference proceedings. 
  • Alexandru Bobe, Ph.D.- is Vice-Rector of OUC in charge of developing and implementing the strategies for IT&C and Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (DMCS) at OUC. He founded the Laboratory of the Business Project Fair to develop and support the innovative-entrepreneurial culture in OUC, using an online platform.The Mate-Info.NET project changed  the syllabus of more than 20 courses and brought in 30 entrepreneurs and more than 20 regional companies from Constanta to interact with OUC students and academics using Mate-Info.NET platform. In 2017, he created a Digital Innovation Hub, a unique one-­stop-shop interdisciplinary Centre that generates and transfers knowledge to regional companies and is a catalyst for smart specializations.
  • Constantin llie, Ph.D. – Researcher – Lecturer at Technology and Economic Engineering Department, International Relations Officer and Erasmus Departmental Coordinator – Mechanical, Industrial and Maritime Engineering Faculty (OUC). He has a wide experience in international and local project management and has been involved in the following projects: CIEN-Business and Competitive Intelligence for Entrepreneurship (Erasmus+ Programme – Strategic Partnership Project Nr: 2016-1-RO01-KA203-024798, Partner Coordinator)  “Design your career!”, “Key skills for civic engagement supporting the sustainable development – Energy Smart” (Educational content specialist),“Engineering as Communication Language in Europe” (Partner Coordinator), “Dissemination of entrepreneurial culture and promoting partnerships in South East Region” (Researcher, Marketing and Communication Expert), PN2 Programme – 2007, InTesTa and Excellence Research Program CEEX. He has a wide range of experience in carrying out research on national and international levels. The core interest of research and pedagogical activity is the new techniques applied in economics, artificial neural network and entrepreneurial management.
  • George-Valentin Cîrlig, Ph.D. – Researcher- Lecturer at Mathematics and Informatics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Ovidius University of Constanta (OUC). The core interest of research and pedagogical activity covers the fields of applied mathematics, dynamical systems, software mathematics, graph theory. Additionally, he was a member of the research team for the projects like: “MATE-INFO.NET” (POSDRU ID 136858), “PROWEB” (POSDRU ID 141587), “PROINFO” (POCU ID 122837). Being a teacher, but also an entrepreneur (with over 15 years of experience in IT domain), he naturally became interested in blockchain technology and turned into a crypto enthusiastic and blockchain researcher in the last two years.
  • Georgiana-Loredana SCHIPOR (FRECEA), Ph.D. – Researcher – Lecturer at Financial – Accounting Department, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Ovidius University of Constanta (OUC). The core interest of research and pedagogical activity covers the following fields: payment techniques and financing in the international affairs, capital markets, international finance, cryptocurrency trading, blockchain and economy, FinTech, international investments and corporate social responsibility. Additionally, she was the Erasmus Office Assistant (OUC), managing the Erasmus Plus funds and organizing the Erasmus mobility activity for students and staff. She has been involved in the project “Business and Competitive Intelligence for Entrepreneurship” – CIEN (Erasmus Plus) as a member of the research team and has a professional experience as assistant manager and management consultant, completed by a long term volunteering experience. The main responsibilities as member of the CIEN team project were: developing the innovative materials in order to obtain the intellectual outputs of the project, creating and implementing the CIEN survival kit for entrepreneurs, developing the BI and CI curriculum and the training modules used by the target group of the project in their operational activity. The educational background is certified by various diplomas: public relations and communications assistant, EU funding consultant, public acquisitions expert, trainer and project management in the Erasmus Plus context. 
  • Marian-George Ciucă, Ph.D. – Researcher – Lecturer at Mathematics and Informatics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Ovidius University of Constanta (OUC),  with a 20 years work experience, is specialized in Geometry and Web technologies. Marian-George CIUCĂ is the author and coauthor of scientific papers and articles published in mathematics journals and is a habitual participant in international IT conferences. Between 2000 and 2010, Marian-George CIUCĂ was the web developer and IT consultant of the E-learning Department within Ovidius University of Constanta and since 2003 is the webmaster of math.univ-ovidius-ro. Since 2000, Marian-George CIUCĂ has also filled the main position of IT consultant in the student admission process. He has a wide experience as IT expert in various international and local projects as: “Mate-Info.NET”, “PPC – Practic pentru cariera!”, “Pianet@ B612”, “APROAPE”, etc. The core interest of research and pedagogical activity is the new web technologies applied in various business processes.
  • Dorin Iordache, Ph.D. – Researcher – Teaching assistant at Mathematics and Informatics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Ovidius University of Constanta (OUC), holds a Ph.D. in Computer science  since 2007 (“Politehnica University” – Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer ). He was a member of the  implementation team in several National and NATO/EU projects, aiming to develop different IT&C systems, maintain a high level of security in computer systems and/or organizations. He has extensive experience in cyber security, applied cryptography, working in government organizations, more than 20 years. He is author / co-author of numerous peer-reviewed articles in conference proceedings in this area of interests.


  • Adrian Radu – Adrian followed the courses of the Faculty of Automatics, Computers and Electronics University of Craiova (2000) and is a Senior backend developer, responsible for building and maintaining high volume APIs that process and serve data for the company websites and mobile apps. As Senior developer he is also responsible for maintaining and updating Cordova mobile apps (Android, iOS and web), porting to localized versions for multiple countries. He is also working on Machine Learning projects to develop beyond state-of-the-art solutions.
  • Lucian Andrei – Lucian is a Law Graduate of the University of Bucharest and his experience involves 19 years of working in the european projects field as a project manager and facilitator.  Involved in projects in fields like ICT, Security, Energy or Transport, Lucian is an innovation promoter and an active supporter of regional research and innovation initiatives. Projects experience: On-the-spot monitoring visits on implementation of IPA 2007 and 2008 projects in Croatia,  SafeCity – FI-PPP Use Case FP7,  Argos Project – Advanced pRotection of critical buildinGs by Overall anticipating System, RescueCell/R4SME,  Urban Surveillance in Buzau City, “Facilities for Communication for the Danube River’s Surveillance”, SCOMAR – Radar Surveillance of the Black Sea Coast.”
  • Alex Mirea – Tech lead and main developer on the project with over 5 years experience in web development (PHP & related technologies), Alex has led over 5 medium or large-sized web projects. Zend Certified PHP Engineer and Certified MySQL Developer. His specific activities include: to participate in a team-orientated environment to develop complex web-based applications, to Help the team to analyze new features and to take technical decisions, to understand client requirements & functional specifications, to research and implement new tools and technologies, to improve application architecture and suggest technical solutions for newly developed components, to maintain a good communication with the customer and the project manager.
  • Maria Iliuta
  • Adrian Limbasan

TalTech Team

  • Alex Norta, Ph.D. – Alexander Norta is one of the leading experts in the field of smart-contract technology. He has a wide range of expertise in fields such as business-process collaboration, workflow management, e-business transactions, service-oriented computing, software architectures, software engineering, ontologies, social web, multi-agent systems, and so on. Norta has written several high-profile whitepapers for successful blockchain-tech startups and he serves as an advisor to leading technology companies in this field.
  • Zaib Liaqat – Zaib is a master degree student of E -governance Technologies and Services at Tallin University of Technology. She enjoys working with and learning from people. Her skeptical and logical reasoning bring great ideas on the table. Moreover, she likes to explore relationships between numbers and translate digits and spreadsheets into stories. As she is fluent in number of data management tools and softwares, including excel, SQL, and SPSS. She is fascinated by the way today technology is affecting our everyday life and likes to understand it with all its peculiarities and mysteries.
  • Chibuzor Udokwu – An external PhD student in Tallinn University of Technology, blockchain group. His research focuses on exploring blockchain applications in the enterprises, especially in securing cross organizational collaborations using blockchain technologies and smart contracts. Currently working on BLOCKS project in providing content for blockchain course and curriculum.


  • Dott. Giuseppe Ursino – has gained his Master in Business Administration, Financial Audit Expert. He is vice-president of Assoconsult, the Italian association of Consultancy corporates. He was elected at a young age President of the “Business & Finance” Commission of the Accountants’ Professional Association of Catania. He was President of Assoconsult Sicilia and President of the Training Organization of Confindustria, called SFC Catania. He was the Vice-President of the Hi-Tech Section of scientific coordinator of a technology innovation project on multimedia convergence, in cooperation with the University of Catania and funded by ERDF-Sicily. He speaks Italian and English.
  • Ing. Luca Porcaro  – Master Degree in Informatics Engineering – Expertise in dynamic web programming, software development, database management and programming languages, SCORM content for e-learning platform. In addition to this, he is passionate about 2D and 3D Computer Graphics. Luca has been involved in academic projects using the Arduino architecture, RFID systems and ZigBee networks. Since 2012 he has been involved in numerous research projects and development in the ICT software tools. He speaks Italian and English.
  • Dott.ssa Sonia Merlo – Master Degree in Foreign Languages and International Management – Expertise in intercultural communication and mediation, web marketing and social media marketing. She has planned and implemented different marketing strategies both for online and offline market. She is working as Community Manager in the field of subsidized loans, business consulting, international cooperation and ICT, implementing different communication strategies depending on the different social media and the different target market. She speaks Italian, English and Spanish.
  • Ing. Rosanna Fascetto Tamburino – Full-stack developer – Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering – Developer with both front-end and back-end skills. Excellent knowledge of HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and PHP languages. Expertise in using programs to create SCORM files, and programs to create platform games. Specialized in the development of e-learning platforms. Involved in various research and development projects in the ICT range financed with regional and European funds. Four years of experience in the ICT sector as Web Developer: development and customization of CMS, e-learning platforms, social networking platforms, websites and applications. He speaks Italian and English.

Mathemagenesis Team

  • Mr. Vasileios Kratidis, Business Strategist Planner – Marketing / Project Manager. Mr. Kratidis is a Computer Engineer, holding an MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree and a Degree in Digital Marketing. He started his professional career as an IT instructor in various organizations. He has been Head of Marketing in educational organizations (such as Foreign Language Schools) while simultaneously he is working as a Marketing Consultant and Strategic Planner in Greece and abroad. Moreover, Mr. Kratidis has participated as a Project Manager in a lot of eLearning projects including eLearning platforms development, video and interactive e-courses design and development, synchronous organization training.  Mr. Kratidis has great experience in eLearning platforms, e-courses creation, learning analytics and education marketing.
  • Mrs Sofia Nteliopoulou, Head of Educational Planning. – Mrs Nteliopoulou is a Computer Engineer and holds a MEd (Master of Education in Distance Education) degree specializing in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design. She has worked as an assistant professor at Athabasca University of Canada and also as a researcher in a variety of research projects in the field of distance education. Mrs. Nteliopoulou has great experience in designing and developing online programs, courses, and training modules using authoring tools and gamification techniques. 

BDA Team

  • Maksims Kazakovs –  a trainer and an educational expert at Baltic Computer Academy (Riga, Latvia). He leads different trainings for end users and works with with e-learning development team as an instructional designer and developer. Thanks to his technical background (Bachelor’s degree in engineering and Engineer diploma, Master’s degree in pedagogy) Maksims shows great results in teaching of different subjects. In 2013 Maksims started his PhD in IT, at Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies.  His thesis covers subject of personal development planning automation. He is fond of learning new technologies and its implementation in everyday situations. Joining the Blockchain team Maksims brings in his expertise in new technology promotion, development of curriculum and study materials for different target groups.
  • Elīna Plāne – Education Project Manager at Baltic Computer Academy (Riga, Latvia). Currently responsible for coordination of projects that aim to accelerate digital transformation processes in government sector. She has gained previous experience in the financial sector (financial markets and instruments), as well as experience in digital marketing. Elīna has Master’s degree in Innovative Entrepreneurship (BA School of Business and Finance) and Bachelor’s degree in Management in International Economic Relations (Riga Technical University).  Thanks to her studies, involvement in student organizations, countless projects and international student exchange programs, she has gained a high level of intercultural communication, leadership and problem solving skills. Elīna would characterize herself as a person who always seeks for ways to develop and takes new challenges. She strongly believes that blockchain technology holds the key to the future of business environment.