Why should you attend our Summer Schools?

If you are interested in the way the business world may be disrupted, specific industries/sectors may become more efficient or why does the price of bitcoin fluctuate so much? Then you should join our programmes focused on blockchain.

The aim of this intensive program is to prepare you to understand the blockchain technology and the way it may affect industries, in order to allow you to make better business decisions. As technology evolves rapidly, entrepreneurs and a wide range of professionals cannot grasp as easily all new tech that may impact their business, particularly if they need to focus on keeping that business profitable in times of global disruption. Before making a strategic decision, and before communicating it, you should understand and explain with ease and impact the ways this new technology may support your business.

What will you study during our Summer Schools?

Topics: Fundamentals of blockchain and smart contracts + Specific use cases in logistics, international trade, international finance, audit, public processes, automotive, agriculture

Upon successful completion of this intensive program, participants will be able to do the following:

* Understand the concepts of blockchain and smart contracts

* Apply learnings in exercises available on the BLOCKS Platform

* Integrate the concepts of blockchain and smart contracts in business cases

* Make decisions related to the digital transformation of a specific use case using blockchain

* Present and communicate critically ideas related to the blockchain technology and the way it transforms the business world

* Develop a long-term Digital Transformation strategy and vision for a company based on blockchain use cases.

Assessment: Participants will be assessed based on the following:

– participation

– a team project involving an offline BLOCKS Game

– Badges earned prior and during the Summer School on the BLOCKS Platform.


When do our Summer Schools take place?

Well, the initial plan was: The first Summer School shall take place in Constanta, Romania in June 2020. The application process shall start in January 2020.  The second Summer School shall take place in Riga, Latvia in March 2021. The application process shall start in October 2020. That plan has changed due to a tiny little thing called a global pandemic.

We expect a reschedule of them for Early Summer 2021, following the lift of the travel bans.

The selection for the First Summer School is done, but following the reschedule we shall ask again for reconfirmation of participation. The application process for the second Summer School shall start in late February 2021.

Where do our Summer Schools take place?

The first Summer School shall take place in Constanta, Romania. A sea-side resort, Constanta is the home of our partner, Ovidius University. An important port at the Black Sea from Roman Empire times, Constanta is the place to be for summer fun, history lessons as well as the latest logistics technology. It is easy to reach via plane (just choose Mihail Kogalniceanu airport), train or car (250 km from Bucharest).

 The second Summer School shall take place in Riga, Latvia. The Latvian capital, Riga, is the biggest metropolis of the Baltics, as well an UNESCO World Heritage site. Combining tradition with modernity, Riga brings a new perspective to inclusive tech growth.

Who should attend our Summer Schools?

The summer schools are created for students from our partner universities (regardless of their study programme or year): undergrad and graduate studies, as well as Ph.D:

– The Bucharest University of Economics Studies, Romania

– Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania

– Taltech, Estonia

You must be enrolled at one of these institutions at the time of the summer school.

How can you apply to our Summer Schools?

For registration, please use this online Google form: https://forms.gle/8LidoSJHm7hBCwJo7

It requires you to provide us with information regarding your affiliation (university, year, study programme), your CV (or LinkedIn profile) and a brief explanation on why you think this programme will be relevant to you.

If you have any questions regarding the registration process, please refer to the following contact persons for each university:

– The Bucharest University of Economic Studies – Lecturer Maria Floriana Popescu, maria.popescu@rei.ase.ro

– Ovidius University of Constanta – Assoc. Prof. Gabriela Badea, gbadea@univ-ovidius.ro

– Taltech – Zaib Liaqat, zaib.liaqat@taltech.ee

Stay tuned for details!