The first Transnational Project Meeting – The Kick-Off took place in Bucharest, Romania, on 27 November 2018, focusing on the Project GoLive. All partners participated in a discussion on the main objectives of the project, the path ahead and its administrative and research challenges, the possible obstacles and risks, the results expected and the timeline, as presented in the application form, the budgetary requirements as approved in Project Budget, the financial reporting, according to the Erasmus+ manual and national regulations, the project activity timeline – Gantt Chart and requested reports as well as the activity reporting and content creation.

The second TPM – First Project Update was hosted by Taltech, in Tallinn, Estonia and took place on 20 September 2019. The goal of this TPM was to provide partners with an overview of the first year of implementation, to update and upgrade the project procedures, to have a follow-up for the reporting within the project, to fine-tune the agenda and scheduling for the Train the Trainers – ISP to take place in October 2019 in Tallinn, Estonia. The meeting highlighted the need for the project to create a common dictionary in the blockchain and for the importance of the diversity of participants to all events (tech and non-tech). Some partners joined online via Skype.

The third TPM – Second Project Update was supposed to take place in September 2020 in Catania, Italy. But the pandemic happened. So we had a 2-day online chat on 21-22 September 2020, via Google Meets and Zoom. The main topic was the reshape of the project due to the restrictions caused by the pandemic, what activities shall take place online and which ones are to be rescheduled. Status of the BLOCKS Game and BLOCKS Platform in view of the cyberattack that caused BUES to go dark for more than two months was also on the agenda.

The Joint Staff Training took place between 20-22 May 2019 in Bucharest, Romania, and was hosted by ZITEC. It focused on providing participants – team members with skills and competences related to blockchain. The transfer of knowledge was organized as interactive workshops, with a reduced number of participants, to provide trainers with a hands on knowledge transfer experience. Topics discussed: basics and technologies of blockchain, digital transformation, gamification, blockchain in specific industries (such as banking or energy).

The Train The Trainers – An intensive study program for teachers and trainers, lasting five days, took place between 7 and 11 October 2019 and was hosted by Taltech in Tallin, Estonia. It was focused on providing participants – teachers with skills and competences related to blockchain. The event had 48 participants .

The transfer of knowledge was organized as interactive workshops, with a reduced number of participants, to provide trainers with a hands on knowledge transfer experience. The ISP used the study materials developed as intellectual outputs. Topics in the event included: Digital Transformation, Basics of Blockchain, Blockchain in a disruptive manner (philosophy, literature and art), applications of blockchain, Saas and Blockchain, Azure as a tool to be disrupted by blockchain, gamification for teachers and trainers, smart contracts, concepts from machine learning.