All deliverables in our project shall be available free of charge, without registration via this website and the BLOCKS Platform.

For the information sessions or webinars, please check the Events page. They may require some sort of registration to provide an attendance list to the Erasmus National Agency.

The only events with an application process are the two Summer Schools dedicated to students. 

Who should attend our Summer Schools?

The summer schools are created for students from our partner universities (regardless of their study programme or year): undergrad and graduate studies, as well as Ph.D:

  • The Bucharest University of Economics Studies, Romania
  • Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania
  • Taltech

 You must be enrolled at one of these institutions at the time of the summer school.

How can you apply to our Summer Schools?

For registration, please use this online Google form:

It requires you to provide us with information regarding your affiliation (university, year, study programme), your CV (or LinkedIn profile) and a brief explanation on why you think this programme will be relevant to you.

If you have any questions regarding the registration process, please refer to the following contact persons for each university:

Stay tuned for details!