There are various events in Project BLOCKS

  • The Information Sessions – held in every country of the project, usually face-to-face, focused on talking about the project and its deliverables
  • The webinars – hosted on our Facebook Page and shared with Streamyard. The webinars focus on a specific element of the blockchain world in a chat with specialists and practitioners
  • The In-Project Events – Transnational Project Meetings and Team Trainings
  • Collaborations with other blockchain-related projects: Horizon 2020 – Fintech-Risk Management (BUES – part of the consortium), B-Hub Blockchain for Europe (our friends Spherik Accelerator are part of the consortium)
  • Collaborations with other institutions and companies: The Romanian National Bank, Mastercard Advisors, Mastercard Romania, PwC Romania, Innoteque, ImpactHub, UnderDevelopment, CAS – Centre for Advanced Studies, The Aspen Institute Romania, The European Institute of Romania, DeepViss, Deloitte Digital, Cybourn, Euroledger, ECOSteer, Brightnode, Coinnect, the Blockchain Task Force of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, TokenFarm, UEFISCDI, …

  • Other dissemination events, such as the ones below
The students – winners of the ReinventTrust contest, organized by BUES (as dissemination event of the BLOCKS project – with Project Manager, Roxana Voicu-Dorobantu) in collaboration with the Faculty of Law (University of Bucharest, Romania) and the Romanian Police Academy, with the support of the Centre for Advanced Studies (CAS), met online on 22 December 2020 with the Head of the European Commission Representation to Romania, Mr. Istvan JAKAB and his team. The contest focused on national and European policy solutions (including using technology – blockchain) to increase trust in governments and European institutions.

Our project was considered a Best Practice in the ”Învață și Dă mai departe – Antifragilitate” (Learn and Pay forward – Antifragile) organized by the Romanian National Agency – Erasmus+ on 10 December 2020. The video above was posted by the National Agency on their YouTube channel and was created according to the specifications of the conference. The video is in Romanian.

The BUES BLOCKS Team held a presentation about New Tech in Logistics focusing on blockchain to EDC students (France) in an online knowledge exchange taking place on 30 November 2020. It was a reiteration of a similar presentation done to the prior cohort of EDC students in 2019.

A dissemination event including the BLOCKS Project held by the International Relations Office of BUES – 10 November 2020 – with members of our team: Catalin Ploae (BUES) and Giuseppe Ursino (ViTECO)

Alex Norta from Taltech in an interview (to be found in full on YouTube here) regarding What Role Can Technology and Distributed Governance Play in Solving Complex Issues? – interview held on 29 October 2020 with Conduitao.

A dissemination event for the BLOCKS project to IIM Jammu, India – 28 May 2020 – with project manager Roxana Voicu-Dorobantu (BUES)

On 29 November 2019, BLOCKS PM, Roxana Voicu-Dorobantu is conferencing on the Blockchain impact on real estate markets at the 15th Edition of the ERES: Real Estate Education.

A dissemination event for BLOCKS on “Agile Project Management in blockchain projects” by Zitec’s Ana Ciupercă, Scrum Master, taking place in Bucharest, Romania on 20 November 2019.

A Masterclass on Digital Payments by MasterCard (Mr. Istvan Maklari, MasterCard Advisors) in The Bucharest University of Economic Studies on 11 November 2019 starts with a chat on the Blockchain. On 29.10.2019, a series of three guest masterclasses by MasterCard were launched in the BUES and BLOCKS team members: Dorel Paraschiv, Roxana Voicu-Dorobantu, Anca Gabriela Ilie, Maria Popescu and Catalin Ploae took part in a first conversation with MasterCard Romania CEO, Cosmin Vladimirescu, on Electronic Payments 101. On 11.11. 2019, the second MasterCard masterclass in the BUES dedicated a significant part of lecture, held by Istvan Maklari from MasterCard Advisors CEE, to the blockchain. The conversation was also supported by BLOCKS team members: Roxana Voicu-Dorobantu, Anca Gabriela Ilie, Maria Popescu and Catalin Ploae.

On 6 November 2019, within the BUES International Knowledge Fair, BLOCKS team members: Catalin Ploae and Roxana Voicu-Dorobantu talked about the challenges and opportunities of an international project and introduced the audience to the BLOCKS project.

Our project manager, Roxana Voicu Dorobantu, moderated on 17 October 2019, during an annual key conference in Bucharest, Bucharest Forum, a chat on the way the future will shape up. The topic of our project, the new change in paradigm brought in by the blockchain technology, was one of the ideas to consider. “Business, Governments, Citizens and the 4th Industrial Revolution” panel at #BucharestForum 2019 with: Clare Casey, Global Director of Public Policy, The Economist Intelligence Unit, Florian Teleabă, Manager, A.T. Kearney, Henry Olsen, Washington Post columnist & Senior Fellow, Ethics & Public Policy Center

Project BLOCKS also disseminated information regarding the project with: Innoteque 2019 participants (in Romania), with the European Commission (in February 2020), with the Hybrid Threats Centre of Excellence (February 2020), with business stakeholders (December 2019) in the Gala for Excellence of Foreign Trade in Bucharest Romania.

  • Articles and publications, such as the ones below
  1. Title: EDUCATION 3.0: BLOCKCHAIN-BACKED MOOCS. Published in July 2020. DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-20-180, following a participation to the Conference: The 16 th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education – 2020. Authors: Virgil Paraschiveanu, Geomina Richardson, Roxana Voicu-Dorobanțu (BUES team)
  2. Title: DEVELOPMENT OF A BLOCKCHAIN-BASED SURVIVAL GAME FOR BLOCKCHAIN EDUCATION V0.2. Published in July 2020 as pre-print. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14479.82083. Author: Chibuzor Udokwu (Taltech team)
  3. We were quoted in this article on Fundatia Caesar by George Tecusan on Peer to Peer Electricity Trading.
  4. Maria Iliuta (ZITEC team) wrote about the IT in times of COVID.